Players had previously been collecting mystery seeds by spotting albino wildlife, it was finally revealed that these
had become Fairy Tale Seeds and they would open up a whole new world of Fairy Tales in Fairyland!
Fairy Tale Seeds & Fairy Tale Pots
Fairy Tale Toadstool seeds need to be earned by spotting wildlife. You can get them in the following ways:
The first time you spot each Fairy in someone else’s Garden
The first time you spot each type of Albino Wildlife in someone else’s Garden (and every 10th time thereafter)
When you spot a certain number of the Fairy Tale Wildlife in someone else’s Garden f(the number you need to spot for a seed varies depending on the wildlife)
Fairy Tale Toadstool seeds can only be planted in Fairy Tale pots (which are available in the Pot Shoppe)
Fairy Tale Pots are purchased with Pink Diamonds, and the first ones are very cheap – only 5 Pink Diamonds each. As you progress through the Fairy Tale levels, more Pink Diamonds will be needed to purchase the pots, so you will need to keep collecting them!
The Fairy Tale Seed will grow into a Fairy Tale Toadstool (which won’t do much… until it’s Ready For Harvest
Be careful not to confuse Fairytale Toadstools with Magical Mushrooms… they’re completely different things in Fairyland, and you will still need to use a Magical Mushroom to deter mice!
Fairies & Fairy Tale Wildlife
When a Fairy Tale Toadstool is Ready For Harvest in your Garden, leave out some Wild Berries on a feeding table,
and you will attract a Fairy (be sure that you only leave out the Wild Berries after the Toadstool has become
Ready For Harvest, otherwise they may go to waste.)
When the Fairy is spotted in your Garden, she will harvest the fruit of the Fairy Tale Toadstool for you,
and then sit upon the toadstool as she tells her Fairy Tale! The item she harvested and placed in your Garden will then begin attracting the wildlife which feature in her Fairy Tale 🙂
Please remember that Fairyland’s Fairy Tales are a long-term challenge. Fairy Tale seeds and Pink Diamonds take time to collect, so you won’t just be able to complete a Fairy Tale in 10 minutes – you’ll need to complete them over ftime at your own pace, returning to them as and when you have collected enough Fairy Tale seeds / Pink Diamonds to complete the next part of the challenge.
You will need to complete the Fairy Tales in the following order:
The Three Little Pigs
The Three Bears
The Frog Prince
The Ugly Duckling
Jack and The Beanstalk
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Snow White
The following recommendations are given purely as a guide only, the amount of seeds and other resources that
you use will vary from person to person. The type of food you use and time that you are prepared to spend on
each will factor into how many resources you will personally need.
The Three Little Pigs
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps. The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest. The tale of The Three Little Pigs is told by Esteparata The Wise Fairy. Attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in one of the Three Little Pigs Fairy Tale pots.
Straw Pot Price 5 ![]() ![]() |
Sticks Pot Price 5 ![]() ![]() |
Bricks Pot Price 5 ![]() ![]() |
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool.
The bubble will contain an item that is dependent on which pot you used.
Straw Bubble![]() |
Sticks Bubble![]() |
Bricks Bubble![]() |
In order to attract Esteparata to your garden to tell her tale you will need to have an empty table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Esteparata as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Esteparata will leave you organic Straw, Sticks or Bricks. If you left out Super food berries then Esteparata will leave you Super Straw, Sticks or Bricks.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
Once Esteparata The Wise fairy has harvested the bubble and left the contents on a table in your garden you
can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting the Three Little Pigs. The Little Pig that
visits will depend on which bubble you grew.
The First Little Pig collects straw ![]() |
The Second Little Pig collects sticks ![]() |
The Third Little Pig collects bricks ![]() |
But be careful as the Big Bad Wolf also collects Straw, Sticks and Bricks and can only be deterred with a Supershroom!
In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale each of the Three Little Pigs must have been spotted in your Garden 5 or more times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe.
If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
The Three Bears
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps.
The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest.
The tale of The Three Bears is told by Auricoma The Golden Fairy.
Attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in one of the Three Bears Fairy Tale pots.
Hot Porridge Pot Price 20 ![]() ![]() |
Cold Porridge Pot Price 20 ![]() ![]() |
Just Right Porridge Pot Price 20 ![]() ![]() |
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool.
The bubble will contain an item that is dependent on which pot you used.
Hot Porridge Bubble![]() |
Cold Porridge Bubble![]() |
Just Right Porridge Bubble![]() |
In order to attract Auricoma to your garden to tell her tale you will need to have an empty table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Auricoma as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Auricoma will leave you organic porridge. If you left out Super food berries then Auricoma will leave you Super Porridge.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
You will also need to watch which empty table you leave out in your garden when you use the Just Right Porridge as the Baby Bear will only visit a low table.
Once Auricoma The Golden Fairy has harvested the bubble and left the contents on a table in your garden you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting the Three Bears. The Bear that visits will depend on which bubble you grew.
Papa Bear eats Hot Porridge ![]() |
Mama Bear eats Cold Porridge ![]() |
Baby Bear eats Just Right Porridge ![]() LOW TABLE ONLY |
But be careful as Goldilocks also eats Porridge, she especially likes Just Right Porridge
and can only be deterred with a Supershroom!
In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale each of the Three Bears must have been spotted in your Garden 7 or more times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe.
If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
The Frog Prince
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps. The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest. The tale of The Frog Prince is told by Amare The Love Fairy. Attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in the Frog Prince Fairy Tale pot.
Frog Prince Pot
Price 50
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool.
Lily Pad Bubble
In order to attract Amare to your garden to tell her tale you will need to have a table of wild
berries and you will also need to purchase the Lily Pad Pot for her to plant a Lily Pad for you.
Lily Pad Pot
Price 50
You will not need to worry about the type of berries you leave out for Amare as it will not result in a different Lily Pad.
You can use Organic or Regular Berries if you wish, you only need her to visit once and harvest the Lily Pad
Bubble into the empty Lily Pad Pot.
Once Amare The Love Fairy has harvested the bubble and left the contents in the empty Lily Pad pot you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting the Fairy Tale Frog and Handsome Prince.
Lily Pad Pot with Harvested Lily ![]() |
The Fairy Tale Frog eats Tropical Fruits ![]() |
The Handsome Prince eats Tropical Fruits ![]() |
Every 10th Frog you either attract or spot turns into a Handsome Prince! In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale The Handsome Prince must have been spotted in your Garden 7 or more times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe.If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
The Ugly Duckling
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps.
The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest.
The tale of The Ugly Duckling is told by Formosinia The Blossom Fairy.
Attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in the Ugly Duckling Fairy Tale pot.
Ugly Duckling Pot
Price 200
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool.
Duckling Egg Bubble
In order to attract Formosinia to your garden to tell her tale you will need to have a table of wild berries and you will also need an empty complete nesting tree for her to place the egg.
Empty Completed Nesting Tree![]() |
You will not need to worry about the type of berries you leave out for Formosinia as it will not result in a different Egg. You can use Organic or Regular Berries if you wish, you only need her to visit once and harvest the Egg Bubble into the empty nesting tree.
Once Formosinia The Blossom Fairy has harvested the bubble and left the contents in the empty nesting tree you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting the Ugly Duckling.
Nesting Tree with Egg![]() |
The Ugly Duckling eats bird mix from a
But be careful as the Duckling might also hatch from your egg and can only be deterred with a Supershroom!
A fully grown Supershroom makes the regular Duckling the same rarity as the Ugly Duckling,
giving each a 50:50 chance of hatching from the egg!
After 5 Ugly Ducklings have been spotted in your Garden, they will later begin returning as Beautiful Swans!
The Beautiful Swan eats bird mix.
In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale, The Beautiful Swan must have been spotted in your Garden 5 or more times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe.
If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
Jack and The Beanstalk
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps.
The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest.
The tale of Jack and the Beanstalk is told by Viridia The Garden Fairy.
You can attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in one of the Jack and Beanstalk Fairy Tale pots.
Jack and the Beanstalk Rainbow Pot (Grass) Price 125 ![]() ![]() |
Jack and the Beanstalk Gold Pot (Treasure) Price 125 ![]() ![]() |
Beanstalk Pot (Beanstalk) Price 250 ![]() ![]() (You cannot plant a fairytale seed directly into this pot but you will need to purchase it for this Fairy Tale) |
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool. The bubble will contain an item that is dependent on which pot you used. You will need to pay attention to which pot you use and which pot you harvest the bubble from first for this Fairy Tale.
Grass Bubble![]() |
Treasure Bubble![]() |
You must harvest the Grass bubble first so keep this to the left hand side of your garden for Viridia to harvest the grass.
In order to attract Viridia to your garden to start her tale you will need to have an empty LOW table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Viridia as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Viridia will leave you organic grass. If you left out Super food berries then Viridia will leave you Super Grass.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
Please be careful to watch which empty table you leave out in your garden as the Cow will only visit a low table.
Once Viridia The Garden Fairy has harvested the grass bubble and left the contents on the empty low table you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting the Cow. It is important at this point to ensure you have left out the empty Beanstalk pot and that you have planted a Fairy Tale toadstool in the gold Jack and the Beanstalk pot as you will need this ready for when your beanstalk is planted.
The Cow eats grass from a
Every 5th cow spotted in your garden will drop some Magic Beans, but only if there is an empty Beanstalk Pot in your Garden to plant them in!
Jack only visits gardens containing a Fully Grown Beanstalk, so you must ensure that your beanstalk is planted before Viridia harvests your Treasure bubble.
Once the Cow has dropped some beans into your Beanstalk pot you can then attract Viridia again using the Gold Jack and the Beanstalk pot.
In order to attract Viridia to your garden to finish her tale you will need to have an empty table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Viridia as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Viridia will leave you organic treasure. If you left out Super food berries then Viridia will leave you Super Treasure.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
Once Viridia The Garden Fairy has harvested the treasure bubble and left the contents on the empty table you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and begin attracting Jack. It is important at this point to ensure you dust your Beanstalk to fully grown otherwise Jack will not visit.
Jack collects treasure
But be careful as The Giant also collects Treasure and he can only be partially deterred with a Supershroom!
The Magpie is also known to steal shiny objects but can be deterred with a fully grown or ready for harvest Nightrose Herb.
Pairs of Magpies will also try and steal your treasure and cannot be deterred!
The Giant collects treasure ![]() |
The Magpie collects Treasure ![]() |
Pairs of Magpies collect Treaure ![]() |
For every 10th piece of treasure Jack collects in your Garden, the Golden Hen will visit sometime afterwards!
The Golden Hen
eats Birdmix
You don’t need any plants in your garden to attract The Golden Hen, they automatically
show up when seed is left out for them to eat.
In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale, The Golden Hen must have been spotted in your Garden 5 or more times. You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe. If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps. The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest. The tale of The Three Billy Goats Gruff is told by Esurienti The Hungry Fairy. You can attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in one of the Billy Goats Gruff Fairy Tale pots.
Three Billy Goats Gruff Pot (Grass) Price 300 ![]() ![]() |
Three Billy Goats Gruff Pot (Butter) Price 300 ![]() ![]() |
Three Billy Goats Gruff Pot (Knapweed) Price 200 ![]() ![]() |
Three Billy Goats Gruff Pot (Nightshade) Price 200 ![]() ![]() |
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool. The bubble will contain an item that is dependent on which pot you used. You will need to pay attention to which pot you use and which pot you harvest the bubble from first for this Fairy Tale.
Grass Bubble![]() |
Butter Bubble![]() |
Knapweed Bubble![]() |
Nightshade Bubble![]() |
You must harvest the butter bubble first so keep this to the left hand side of your garden for Esurienti to harvest the butter.
In order to attract Esurienti to your garden to start her tale you will need to have a table of wild berries and you must also leave out an empty Tea Cup for her to place your buttercup.
Tea Cup
Available in Ye Olde Fairyland Pot Shoppe
You will not need to worry about the type of berries you leave out for Esurienti as it will not result in a different Buttercup. You can use Organic or Regular Berries if you wish, you only need her to visit once and harvest the Butter Bubble into the empty Tea Cup.
Once Esurienti The Hungry Fairy has harvested the butter bubble and left the contents in the empty Tea Cup you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and continue with the next stage of the Fairy Tale.
The next stage of the Fairy Tale is to attract Esurienti to your garden to harvest the grass bubble. To continue her tale you will need to have an empty RAISED table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Esurienti as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Esurienti will leave you organic grass. If you left out Super food berries then Esurienti will leave you Super Grass.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds. Please be careful to watch which empty table you leave out in your garden as the Goats will only visit a raised table. Once Esurienti The Hungry Fairy has harvested the grass bubble and left the contents on the empty raised table you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and continue with the next stage of the Fairy Tale.
The Small Billy Goat is attracted by ANY size Buttercup![]() |
The Small Billy Goat eats grass from a RAISED table ![]() |
Special Behaviour: Every 5th Small Billy Goat spotted in your garden will fertilize your Small Buttercup, turning it into a Medium-Sized Buttercup! | ||||
The Medium-Sized Billy Goat is attracted by flowering MEDIUM-SIZED or BIG Buttercups.![]() ![]() |
The Medium Billy Goat eats grass from a RAISED table ![]() |
Special Behaviour: Every 5th Medium-Sized Billy Goat spotted in your garden will fertilize your Medium-Sized Buttercup, turning it into a Big Buttercup! |
But be careful as the Small Billy Goat will also be attracted to the Medium-Sized Buttercup
and can only be deterred by fully grown Knapweed.
If you would like to deter the Small Billy Goat you will need to attract Esurienti to harvest the Knapweed bubble.
In order to attract Esurienti to your garden to continue her tale you will need to have a table of wild berries and you must also leave out an empty Rusty Bucket for her to place your Knapweed. Make sure your Fairy Tale Knapweed Toadstool is on the left hand side of your garden.
Knapweed planted in Rusty Bucket
Available in Ye Olde Fairyland Pot Shoppe

Every 5th Medium-Sized Billy Goat spotted in your garden will fertilize your Medium-Sized Buttercup,
turning it into a Big Buttercup!
The Big Billy Goat is then attracted
by a flowering BIG Buttercup.

The Big Billy Goat
eats grass from a RAISED table
But be careful as the Small Billy Goat and the Medium Billy Goat will also be attracted to the Big
Buttercup, the Small Billy Goat can be deterred with a fully grown Knapweed as explained above and
the Medium Billy Goat can be deterred by fully grown Nightshade.
If you would like to deter the Small Billy Goat you will need to attract Esurienti to harvest the Knapweed bubble.
If you would like to deter the Medium Billy Goat you will need to attract Esurienti to harvest the Nightshade bubble.
In order to attract Esurienti to your garden to complete her tale you will need to have a table of wild berries and you must also leave out an empty Rusty Bucket for her to place your Nightshade. Make sure your Fairy Tale Nightshade Toadstool is on the left hand side of your garden.
Nightshade planted in Rusty Bucket
Available in Ye Olde Fairyland Pot Shoppe

Every Big Billy Goat spotted in your garden will harvest your Big Buttercup!
But be careful as The Troll also eats Grass from a raised table, a Fully Grown Supershroom helps deter him, but not completely!
Tip: If you run out of time and your Big Buttercup turns into a Big Butterfly (ready for harvest Buttercup), DO NOT harvest it! It will no longer attract the Big Billy Goat, but if you use another flowering Big Buttercup to attract while keeping the Butterfly to the left, a Big Billy Goat will be still able to harvest it. Your butterfly needs to be big, small and medium butterflies are truly useless and can be harvested.
In order to unlock the next Fairy Tale, The Big Billy Goat Gruff must have been spotted in your Garden 7 or more times.
As each Buttercup will only attract one Big Billy Goat you will need to repeat the process at least 7 times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe.
If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to start the next Fairy Tale. It should look like the image below.
Snow White
Each of the Fairy Tales work in steps.
The first step for each Fairy Tale is to attract the correct fairy to tell her tale and begin your Fairy Tale quest.
The tale of Snow White is told by Nivea The Beautiful Fairy.
You can attract her to your Garden by planting a Fairy Tale Toadstool seed in one of the Snow White Fairy Tale pots.
Snow White Pot (Apple) Price 250 ![]() ![]() |
Snowdrop Vase Price 250 ![]() ![]() (You cannot plant a fairytale seed directly into this pot but you will need to purchase it for this Fairy Tale) |
Red ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Red Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Orange ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Orange Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Yellow ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Yellow Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Green ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Green Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Indigo ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Indigo Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Blue ‘Dwarf’ Pot (Blue Gemstones) Price 150 ![]() ![]() |
Violet ‘Dwarf’ Pot
(Violet Gemstones)
Price 150
Once ready for harvest a bubble is produced on top of the Fairy Tale Toadstool.
The bubble will contain an item that is dependent on which pot you used.
You will need to pay attention to which pot you use and which pot you harvest the bubble from first for this Fairy Tale.
Apple Bubble
Red Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Orange Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Yellow Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Green Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Blue Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Indigo Gemstones Bubble![]() |
Violet Gemstones Bubble![]() |
You must harvest the apple bubble first so keep this to the left hand side of your garden for Nivea to harvest the apple.
In order to attract Nivea to your garden to tell her tale you will need to have an empty table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Nivea as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Nivea will leave you an organic apple. If you left out Super food berries then Nivea will leave you a Super Apple.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
Once Nivea The Beautiful Fairy has harvested the apple bubble and left the contents on the empty table you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and continue with the next stage of the Fairy Tale.
The next stage of the Fairy Tale is to attract Snow White to your garden to plant a Snow Drop in your empty Snow Drop Vase.
Both Snow White and The Evil Queen will be attracted to your apple, ideally you want the Evil Queen to take the first bite so you will need to deter Snow White…..but just for the first bite! This is because whoever takes the first bite of the apple will fall into a deep sleep and will not return to eat that particular apple again!
Snow White can be deterred by a fully grown supershroom.
Snow White eats the Rosy Apple ![]() |
The Evil Queen eats the Rosy Apple ![]() |
Every 5th time Snow White is spotted in your Garden, she will plant a beautiful Snowdrop flower (if you have an empty “Snowdrop Vase” out!). You will need a Snowdrop flower planted before you can continue the Fairy Tale but do not dust it to full grown until you are ready to attract a dwarf.
The next stage of the Fairy Tale is to attract Nivea to your garden to harvest a gemstone bubble. You can complete the gemstones in any order so it does not matter which colour gemstone you choose to harvest first. To continue her tale you will need to have an empty table in your garden and a table of wild berries. Be careful which type of berries you choose to leave out for Nivea as when she harvests the bubble she will leave the contents on the empty table and it will be the same type as your berries. For example, if you left out organic berries then Nivea will leave you organic gemstones. If you left out Super food berries then Nivea will leave you Super Gemstones.
We recommend as a minimum to use Double Organic Wild Berries which will give you ten feeds.
Once Nivea has harvested the bubble of gemstones and placed them on the empty table you can then harvest the Fairy Tale Toadstool and continue with the next stage of the Fairy Tale. You can then also dust your Snowdrop flower to fully grown DO NOT FRUIT DUST IT as you will want it to attract dwarfs as long as possible.
Dwarfs only visit gardens containing a flowering Snowdrop so you will need to repeat the steps to attract Snow White and plant a snowdrop each time in order to attract the required amount of dwarfs.
Blusher collects Red Gemstones![]() |
Grouchy collects Green Gemstones![]() |
Jolly collects Orange Gemstones![]() |
Prof collects Blue Gemstones![]() |
Wheezy collects Yellow Gemstones![]() |
Snoozy collects Indigo Gemstones![]() |
Dozy collects Violet Gemstones![]() |
Be careful as The Magpie is also known to steal shiny objects but can be deterred with a fully grown or ready for harvest Nightrose Herb. Pairs of Magpies will also try and steal your treasure and cannot be deterred!
Magpies collect Gemstones![]() |
Pairs of Magpies collect Gemstones![]() |
In order to unlock the special reward each of the Seven Dwarfs must have been spotted in your Garden 10 or more times.
You can check if you have completed all the tasks you need to by checking in the Fairy Tale Pots section of the Pot Shoppe. If the task has been checked off with a tick then you will be able to claim your Gnome Table. It should look like the image below.
Congratulations on completing the Fairy Tales and earning your Gnome Table! For a spoiler of the various things the Gnome does when visiting your garden please click our Gnome Spoiler.